Driving habits in Iceland

Driving habits in Iceland

It is safe to say that Icelanders are a car nation, as car ownership in the country is amongst the highest in the world.
Iceland's car fleet electrifies

Iceland's car fleet electrifies

Vast changes have taken place in Iceland when it comes to the increased ownership of electric cars. A decade ago, almost no such cars were to be seen on the country's roads.
Challenges in energy exchange

Challenges in energy exchange

The Icelandic government has set an ambitious goal to achieve energy transition in the country by 2040, and to become independent of fossil fuels by that year.
Financing road infrastructure in the era of electrification

Financing road infrastructure in the era of electrification

Around the world, countries face various challenges in financing road infrastructure. Traditional revenue generation systems for construction, maintenance, and services related to road infrastructure are based on the idea of the use of fossil fuels as the main source of revenue for road transport.

Our roads to the future

Roads to the Future is an information site concerning the implementation of a new unified system designed to charge for the use of road transport. The website uses data from The Icelandic Transport Authority, Statistics Iceland, the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate, the Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration, and the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs.